For personal use, you are welcome to upload all manner of research code.
For publishing, we request and verify that all code be made reproducible from start to finish by clicking Run.
What programs work well for publishing on Code Ocean?
If your code is in any of the programming languages supported out of the box, or that can be installed via the available package managers or the postInstall script Some examples are included in this section
If your code can be run headlessly, from start to finish, without user intervention
If your code has results that can either be saved as concrete files or displayed as part of the output
Then Code Ocean is a good fit.
What programs is Code Ocean not a good fit for publishing?
If your code requires specialized hardware, such as a robotic arm or a particular FPGA board, and can't be run on our available machines;
If your code creates a custom GUI for others to use locally, but that can't be executed on Code Ocean
If your code is not in one of the languages we support, or available as an open source download.
If your project requires proprietary software.
If your code requires runtime in the order of weeks or months.
If your code does not produce any independent result that can be verified by others.
If your code requires internet access during runtime, and can't be guaranteed to be long-term reproducible.
If your code contains sensitive data that can't be anonymized or shared publicly
Then Code Ocean is not a good fit.ย
Questions about whether Code Ocean and your code are a good fit?
Please write us at or via live chat, we'll be happy to hear from you.