The Python 3 kernel:
is already included when you install Jupyter.
To install Jupyter, If you have Conda or pip installers available in your environment, you can just add package
.If you do not, you can add
, andpython3-wheel
via apt-get, and then addjupyter
via the pip3 installer (which will appear automatically when you've addedpython3-pip
The R kernel:
requires the package
: available either through CRAN, or, if you have the Conda installer available, you can add packager-irkernel
and then add the channelr
to Conda's list of available channels.You'll also need to run, in the postInstall script, the command
Rscript -e "IRkernel::installspec()"
The Julia kernel:
requires the Julia package
( could theoretically install this in any environment, but it's probably best to start with a Python 3.7 (with Conda) base image.
First, add
as conda packages, and then add the channelconda-forge
to Conda's list of available channels.Second, in the postInstall script, run
julia -e 'using Pkg; Pkg.add("
IJulia"); Pkg.update();'
The Stata kernel:
Start your capsule from an environment with Stata available.
Via the apt-get installer, add the packages
, andpython3-wheel
.Via the
installer that dynamically appears, addipystata
, andjupyter
.In the postInstall script, run the following:
ipython -c "import ipystata; \
from ipystata.config import config_stata; \
What if I need a different (or older) Kernel?
Please write to us at or via live chat, and we'll be happy to help (and to amend this article accordingly).